Persian Rugs: Why They Are Expensive And Valuable

At first glance, Persian rugs might seem expensive. These rugs are not just for covering your hard floors. They are truly beautiful pieces of art that have heirloom value. If you are wondering why Persian rugs are so expensive, here’s the answer. We have analyzed the real value of Persian Rugs, including their quality and history. We answer the burning question: Are Persian rugs worth their price?

Reasons why Persian Rugs are Expensive :

Rug weaving takes practice and patience

The time taken to weave a Persian rug is one factor that affects the price. Persian rugs are woven by highly skilled weavers, who manually tie thousands of knots. It is a long and tedious process. One rug may take several months or even many years to finish.

Quality of Materials Used

Wool, cotton, and Silk are natural materials that are used to make the finest Persian rugs. The higher the quality of the material, the more expensive a Persian rug will be. Our blog has some great tips for finding the most affordable rugs while maintaining quality.

The price of Persian rugs that are made with finer yarns, such as Silk or cotton, can increase because they take longer to weave. Below are some examples of different materials used in Persian rugs:

Silk on Silk – is a silk thread weave over a silk base. Handwoven using a strong yet fine silk thread, these rugs are made from high-quality Silk. The silk thread is so fine that it takes millions to knot the carpet. This gives the carpet a detailed and clear pattern. This is a very difficult rug to weave, and it requires a lot of skill.

Silk Qum – Rugs named Qum are named after the holy town in the middle of Iran. A Qum rug’s material composition is of high quality. The majority of them are made from Silk and fine wool. Some rugs contain even two layers of Silk. The finer knotting of Qum Persian rugs makes them one of the most beautiful Persian rugs available.

Combination Silk Rugs -Only some rug parts are made of Silk, while foundations are either made of wool or cotton.

Wool –Persian Rugs made from 100% wool are some of the lowest-priced Persian carpets and are typically heavier than Silk Persian carpets.

Cotton and wool -The majority of Persian carpets are made of a combination of cotton and wool. This combination produces a durable, intricately detailed rug.


In general, the older the Persian rug is, the more valuable it will be. Persian rugs from the 15th and 17th centuries usually command the highest prices due to their rarity. The conditions under which Persian rugs were produced in those days were different from the modern times. Weavers created the Persian carpets for their use. They paid attention to detail and chose the most beautiful colors. The historical value of certain Persian rugs means that their price can’t be estimated.

Experts knot the rope.

Beginner Persian rug buyers may question whether the price of a Persian carpet is justified. We believe that a handwoven Persian carpet has many benefits. The craftsmanship of each Persian rug is one reason. They are meticulously woven and are a testimony to the creativity and ability of the artisans. The skills and techniques to incorporate these rugs were also passed on from generation to generation. Each handwoven Persian carpet, just like each weaver, is unique.

Unique designs

Persian rugs may seem expensive if you think of them as floor coverings. They should be viewed as unique art pieces renowned for their rich colors and intricate designs. Some Persian rug designs were inspired by nature. The environment in which the rug is made can influence its design. The motifs on Persian carpets can be used as a way to identify their origin.

Place of Origin

Persian rugs are only produced in the villages that surround Iranian cities, such as Qom Tabriz Nain and Karman. Each region or city has its unique style, so you can distinguish between the different types of Persian rugs. Each Persian rug is more expensive because of its limited production.

Investment value

Persian rugs are a great investment. Persian rugs have a reputation for holding their value. Some Persian rug collectors believe that the price of a well-made Persian carpet never drops. If you are looking to buy a Persian rug as an investment, here’s what you need to know. The quality, condition, and rarity of the handwoven Persian rug will determine its value. In some cases, it may even increase in value.

A Persian rug that is between 30 and 99 years of age falls into the ‘Vintage Rug’ category. Once it reaches 100+, it is considered an Antique rug. The older the Persian rug, the more valuable it is. Antique rugs that have been passed down through generations are some of the most beautiful rugs. They are also considered to be works of art.

What are the benefits of Persian rugs?

The time and skill it takes to create a Persian rug is what makes them worth their price. This skill is also what makes Persian rugs more than just decorative items. They are investment pieces as well. It’s not unusual for the value of your Persian rug to increase over time if you take good care of it.

Here are a few factors that make Persian carpets so expensive and valuable. It is important to remember that Persian rugs are woven with skill and patience. Browse our wide range of Persian Rugs on our website or read our blog for tips and tricks about decorating a Persian Rug.

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